Webinar has passed, presentation available below.
Technology is constantly evolving to meet ever-growing demand with the best possible performance. Did you know
in this context VMware vSphere has made a lot of changes to enhance the performance of big complex virtual
machines (VMs)?
Databases, by their very nature, are resource hogs. When Databases are not virtualized properly, they will never
perform well and can negatively impact the performance of other VMs on the hosts.
What about your virtualized databases?
Are they using the resources in the most optimal way?
And are they still performing as they should be?
Learn all about virtualizing your databases the right way in our exclusive webinar!
In this webinar you’ll learn
Topics will also include NUMA and memory reservations.
This webinar will help you obtain optimal performance for your most complex workloads!
The webinar connects you with real experts in the field of Datab ases and Virtualization,
hosted by Monin (your trusted Database Partner).
Our solutions related to this topic: