Managed Services

Reduce costs, ensure compliance, and
optimise efficiency for your database.

What do you get?

Don’t let complex licenses hold you back. Our licensing managed services optimise your costs and ensure full compliance.

Our sophisticated tools offer real-time insights into your consumption for active management and guarantee compliance with licensing agreements, minimising audit risk. For larger enterprises, our partnership with LicenseFortress offers advanced audit defence capabilities.

What’s in it for me?


Less Costs, More Efficiency

Our experts will carefully evaluate your existing database licenses, finding ways to reduce expenses and enhance usage. We’ll make sure you’re not wasting money on unneeded licenses and assist you in using your current ones more optimally. This can result in substantial cost reductions and better licensing performance.

Peace of mind

We’ll help you understand your license agreements, identify potential compliance risks, and prepare for audits. This peace of mind allows you to focus on your core business activities without worrying about licensing issues or unexpected fines.

Real-Time Visibility

Use advanced monitoring tools to track your database license usage in real time. This helps you spot any possible problems and make sure you’re following licensing agreements. By dealing with these problems sooner rather than later, you can prevent costly surprises later on and ensure your databases are correctly licensed.

What do our clients have to say

“Monin streamlined our Oracle licensing process. They analysed our needs, identified the perfect licenses, and ensured a smooth data migration to our new database.”

Thomas Cauwenberg, Manufacture Belge de Chocolats

How does it work

We use a four-phased approach to database licensing optimisation for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Free consultation: We start by getting to know your specific database environment, licensing requirements, and any issues you’re dealing with.
  2. In-Depth license review: Our professionals will perform a thorough evaluation of your current database licenses, finding possible improvement options and ways to lower your expenses.
  3. License optimisation suggestions: After the review, we’ll give you a comprehensive report that shows our results and customised suggestions for improving your database licensing approach. This includes ways to combine licenses, adjust your licenses to your actual usage, and explore more affordable licensing options.
  4. Implementation & ongoing support: We’ll help you carry out the suggested licensing plan and keep supporting you to make sure you use and comply with your licenses efficiently. This may involve negotiating with vendors or advising you on how to handle future license acquisitions.

In addition to our core licensing optimisation services, we also offer the following additional services to address your specific needs:

  • Real-Time License Monitoring: See your database license usage in real time with sophisticated monitoring tools that help you spot and handle any possible licensing problems before they escalate.
  • Audit Defence: If you face a database license audit, our team will help you get ready and achieve the best possible result. For large organisations and enterprises, we offer advanced license capabilities through LicenseFortress.

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Our technologies

We offer direct support for industry-standard databases like Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. For MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and MongoDB, our subsidiary Zebanza provides seamless integration and support.

Contact us!

Ready to streamline your license and eliminate unnecessary costs?
Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Dries Moelans
Managing Partner

Nadia sarie
Sales & Marketing manager

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